Olympia - a major construction site in the early 1970s
Both Olympiastadion and Olympiahalle were integrated into the landscape by placing them into depressions in the ground. Due to that, Olympiahalle with a height of up to 45 meters appears lower than it actually is. During the Olympic Games in 1972 it served as the venue for artistic gymnastics and handball. The building was intentionally constructed as a multi-purpose hall to be used by the city after the Olympic Games. With its capacity of 14,000 attendees Olympiahalle is used for concerts and sport events today as well as big show programs, fairs or shareholder assemblies.
Builder: Organisationskomitee für die Olympischen Spiele in München, 1972
Architecture: Behnisch & Partner, Frei Otto
Engineer: Leonhardt + Andrä, Jörg Schleich und Rudolf Bergermann
Completion: 1972
Conversion: 2007-2009: Auer Weber Assoziierte
Photo credits
Olympiapark München GmbH, LHM
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