Construction work on Altstadt-Radlring in Blumenstrasse, 2020
In the 2019 aerial photo, the Altstadt-Radlring is still two lanes on both sides for cars.
Altstadt-Radlring and Radentscheid
Munich needs more cycle paths, and these should be wider and safer. This is how the demands of the citizens' petitions Altstadt-Radlring (Old Town Cycle Route) and Radentscheid (Cycling Action Plan) can be summed up. More and more people are switching to the bicycle, therefore the redistribution of public space in favour of cycling is an obvious choice. On the section between Sendlinger-Tor-Platz and Papa-Schmid-Strasse, 2.80 metre wide cycle paths will be laid out on both sides, with a 50 centimetre wide safety zone. The pavement will also be widened. This will leave just one lane for cars into the city, and fewer parking spaces. The new cycle paths will be flat, and marked out in red at more hazardous locations, improving safety for cyclists at intersections. There should also be additional bicycle parking spaces, and morephased traffic lights.
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