This is what the exit to the underground parking garage should look like.
Visualisierung der Fahrradstation
Laying of the foundation stone for the underground car park at Thomas-Wimmer-Ring
Thomas-Wimmer-Ring, 1978
Project Tom and Hilde
The local name for this project is taken from the names of nearby Hildegardstrasse and Thomas-Wimmer-Ring. Initially, the Fina multi-storey car park will make way for an extension of the Mandarin Oriental hotel, as well as new offices, shops and apartments. A new three-level underground car park on Thomas-Wimmer-Ring will replace the parking spaces that will no longer be available as a result of the new building. This two-stage project offers Munich the chance to upgrade the Altstadtring in this area. The improved living and working environment will be enhanced by attractive green spaces.