Seating with a view in east direction to Tegernseer Landstrasse, 2019
Giesinger Grünspitz
Because of its tapering shape, the 2,000 square metre green space on Tegernseer Landstrasse, and the corner of Martin-Luther-Strasse, is called Grünspitz which refers to its green and largely triangular form. Shaded by mature chestnut trees, this area was used by a car dealer until 2014. With its acquisition by the city of Munich, the way was clear for a change of use. The Grünspitz is now to be further integrated into the district, opening up an attractive open space for everyone and serving, among other things, as a neighborhood meeting point. The kiosk café in the Grünspitz Pavilion is already popular, and offers cultural events in addition to refreshments and opportunites to socialise.
Photo credits
Edward Beierle/MGS
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