Detail of the mosaic wall by Benjamin Jakob Reiser
A nymph pours water from an amphora…
…that flows towards Munich.
Relief with two water carriers by sculptor Christian Wrede
Mosaic, Müllerstrasse 18
The building's original purpose as a service building for the waterworks is revealed at the entrance. The facade shows a relief with two water carriers by sculptor Christian Wrede (1896 to 1971). In the foyer of the building - which is now used by the local building commission - there is a mosaic wall with an allegorical representation of Munich's water supply. A nymph standing in the mountains under a rainbow pours water from an amphora that flows towards Munich. The city is symbolically surrounded by the water. The mosaic was created by the Munich artist Benjamin Jakob Reiser (1902 to 1992), who created numerous works of art for urban buildings.
Photo credits
Michael Nagy/LHM, LHM
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