After the destruction of the Second World War, a number of contemporary stained-glass windows were installed in the Frauenkirche in the 1960s, in addition to the restored medieval windows. Well-known and respected artists designed different image schemes in different artistic styles. Max Lacher (1905 to 1988), Karl Knappe (1884 to 1970), Robert Rabold (1899 to 1974), Wilhelm Geyer (1900 to 1968) and Peter Gitzinger (1899 to 1977) created modern stained-glass windows. In spite of their individuality, they all evoke the windows of a medieval longhouse; the lower third is coloured, followed by significantly lighter ornamental glazing. One of the first new windows was created in 1959 in the famous workshop of Franz Xaver Zettler (1841 to 1916) after a design by the painter and graphic artist Peter Gitzinger (1899 to 1977). Born in Saarland, Gitzinger studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich from 1921 to 1926. He subsequently settled and worked as an artist in Munich until his death on 18 October 1977. From the top left window in the Sieben-Maler-Mariä-Kapelle (Mary-Chapel) on the north side of the church, a stained-glass window donated by the Munich building contractor Eduard Gottschall and his wife Elisabeth depicts seven scenes, using few figures, of the pain endured by the Virgin Mary.
Photo credits
Michael Nagy/LHM
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