Neuperlach Süd, in contrast to Neuperlach Nord, was not planned as a car-friendly town.
Maximilian-Kolbe-Allee, 2017
Neuperlach Süd
The last two construction sections of Neuperlach Süd I and Süd II from the 1980s extend south of Putzbrunner Strasse. This area is a strong contrast to Neuperlach Nord with its centres and the Wohnring residential development. In its design, Therese-Giehse-Allee is the opposite of a car-friendly city. Large trees line the avenue. In addition to the wide green area and the attractive pedestrian area, there is a parade of shops. This was a deliberate modification to the look of the Neuperlach centre. The development is also significantly smaller in scale, with 4 to 6-storey apartment blocks.
Photo credits
Michael Nagy/LHM
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